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The Financial Issues Real Estate Investors Always Ignore

The fi­nan­cial is­sues that no-one talks about

Real es­tate is an in­cred­i­ble as­set class. However, there are sev­eral is­sues that are not of­ten ad­dressed in the real es­tate in­vest­ing com­mu­nity:

  1. The fi­nan­cial risk of early death and dis­abil­ity
  2. The liq­uid­ity risk that your es­tate will in­evitably be sub­ject to when you pass away
  3. Missing out on steady, liq­uid, and tax-ef­fi­cient in­vest­ment ve­hi­cles

The best way to un­der­stand these prob­lems, and their pos­si­ble so­lu­tions, is to cover some case sce­nar­ios.

Each of the three sce­nar­ios be­low will cover some of the most com­mon fi­nan­cial is­sues en­coun­tered by ac­tive real es­tate in­vestors along with some prac­ti­cal so­lu­tions to those prob­lems.

The goal is to pro­vide a sim­pli­fied ex­pla­na­tion of how life in­sur­ance and re­lated fi­nan­cial prod­ucts can ef­fec­tively help real es­tate in­vestors (click the links to see the ar­ti­cles):

  1. Reduce fi­nan­cial risks
  2. Provide for a smooth tran­si­tion of wealth to the next gen­er­a­tion
  3. Amplify and di­ver­sify their in­vest­ment hold­ings

Regardless of your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, if you’re a se­ri­ous real es­tate in­vestor, all three sce­nar­ios will pro­vide you with valu­able in­sights into the ben­e­fits of es­tate plan­ning and life in­sur­ance.

Next steps

Are you frus­trated with the level of tax you’re pay­ing? Do you feel like tax ad­vi­sors and fi­nan­cial ad­vi­sors aren’t speak­ing the same lan­guage? Are you of­ten left won­der­ing if you are leav­ing money on the table due to a lack of in­te­grated plan­ning?

Fabio and his team have been help­ing clients plan their tax, re­tire­ment, and es­tate mat­ters since 2002.

If you’re in­ter­ested in tak­ing con­trol of your fi­nan­cial mat­ters, then don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us di­rectly for an ini­tial con­ver­sa­tion.

No cost, no oblig­a­tions.


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